Friday, November 18, 2011

World Series 2011

Ok.  So, I'm almost through talking about the Rangers until 2012.  And, yes, I know I'm still behind and everyone knows the outcome of the World Series...BUT...I must document this so we can remember the fun we had, even if the Rangers didn't win it all.

This year, Memaw and Poppa decided they needed to join us for the World Series.  So, they also invited Poppa's brother, Marty, and nephew, Jeremy, to come along.

It's really hard to tell from this picture, but it is of the ceremonial first pitch:  thrown by George Bush to Nolan Ryan.  Cool!

The flag in centerfield was so neat.  I've never seen anything like that before.

Then we had a flyover of some military helicopters.  We were in the upper deck so it felt like they were really close to us.

First pitch...

My favorite boys...

Boys being boys...with Uncle Marty.

Have I mentioned lately that I love doing what these kids love to do.  And I'm thankful every day that they want me to share experiences like these with them!

A happy Poppa, Memaw, Jaden and Jaxon!

Because the Rangers won (the game we were at, at least)!  Woo-hoo!

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