Friday, January 13, 2012

Happy Birthday, Jaxon!

This sweet, precious blessing turns SIX today!

He's the sweetest 6 year old I know.  And such a blessing in our lives!  

He is really liking school, and doing so well!  He has excellent handwriting.  He is learning to read.   enjoys math.  He enjoys art.  He loves to play games.  He is a thinker.  He loves music and has shown an interest recently in playing the piano. He loves his family.  He is still very independent.  He still gives the best hugs!  He is a very grateful child.  Love that!  When I do something for him, he says, "You're the best Mommy!"  To which I reply, "You're the best Jaxon!"

We love you Jaxon Ryan West!  Happy Birthday!


  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JAXON!!! We love you. And, you ARE the BEST Jaxon we know!!!

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