Sunday, January 8, 2012

Missing Someone Special

I'm missing my Aunt Rheba today.  She passed away yesterday.  She had been sick for a while.  But ever since she and Uncle Curtis moved to Mississippi with their daughter, I didn't get to see her as much as I wish I could have.

She was a sweet soul.  She was my great aunt.  But that's just words.  She was family.  And she loved her family.  She was my grandmother's sister -- younger sister as she quickly corrected me one time when I said out loud that I thought Aunt Rheba was older.  Oops!  :-)

I have so many wonderful memories of growing up around Aunt Rheba and Uncle Curtis.  She loved to host holidays at her house.  This past Christmas when the way we usually celebrate Christmas (and have all my life) changed, I was remembering all the holidays we spent with my family.  And missing those times - a lot! 

Missing the numerous Easter egg hunts, the fun with Christmas gifts on Christmas Day, the big room with a pool table I could hardly see over at times -- and the indoor/outdoor green carpet in that room, watching my older family members sit around the table and play 42 -- and wishing they had taught me so my husband wouldn't have to be so frustrated with me now.  :-)

So many memories.  And that's what I have to hold onto today.  Memories.  Memories of that sweet, loving, one-of-a-kind aunt who loved me like her own.  Who always had a smile on her face and such an infectious laugh.  My life was blessed because I knew her, because she loved me, and because she was part of my family.


  1. I have so many of those same memories! And I am missing her today too. She was a wonderful woman and a terrific aunt. I wil always treasure those memories and only hope that I can touch half of the lives Aunt Rheba touched. God job, Jami Dawn!

  2. I have the same memories of my great aunts. I didn't know they weren't my aunts for a long time. So many fun memories!

  3. Wonderful blog, Jami, for a special aunt. There was no other like her!!! She was a very good friend and confidant.

    Precious Memories!!
