Monday, August 11, 2008

Learning is Fun!

"Then God said, 'Let the water be filled with living things....' " (Genesis 1:20)

Sorry I haven't blogged in a week but we've been out of town having lots of fun.  I'll get to that later in another blog.  First, I wanted to tell you what we did the first part of last week.  Some of you already know this, but Jaden is not going to start school this year.  He turned five in June and we've decided to hold him out for one more year.

Needless to say, he was a bit disappointed.  When we went to tour the new elementary school here in Snyder last summer, he asked which classroom was going to be his.  So, he's been ready to go to school for a while.  Well, when we told him that he would have to wait for one more year, he actually took the news better than I thought.  But, he said, "Mom, can I at least go to preschool or something?!"  Well...since we don't have many options for preschools around here and there are no "Mother's Day Out" programs that I'm aware of, then we are lacking in options. 

So, he and I sat down and made a list of some things that he wants to learn about over the next several weeks.  He didn't have a lot of things, so I added some.  :-)   My goal is to concentrate on one thing a week at least for the next few months.  We'll have to see if we meet that goal, but so far we've got one week down and it went well.  

Last week we focused on WATER.  It was actually pretty fun.  We started the week talking about all different kinds of water and how we use water and how God gives us water.  Then we looked through the Bible at several stories that have water in them.  Jaxon is participating too, and his favorite Bible story is Noah and the ark.  If you ask him who built the ark, he yells, "Noah, Noah!" because of a song we like to sing in the car.  We memorized the Bible verse I put at the top and Jaden even made up a song about water:  "Water is good, water is good, water is so good you can drink it all day long."

We did lots of fun things that had to do with water last week -- amidst the usual drinking water and taking baths -- we also blew bubbles, 

and went to a water park (more on that later).
I have lots of things planned in the upcoming weeks so I'll try to keep you posted on our weeks of learning.


  1. You are a super mom! That's great! Kellye

  2. I think this is a wonderful thing you are doing and Jaxon can learn as well. I'm so proud of you!!

  3. You're so awesome! This is a great idea (I may have to steal it). I am also curious about the kids' praise song book you mentioned in your post about the five days. I would love the title of that when you get a chance!
