Sunday, May 22, 2011

The Bombers Win!

Every time.  Even though no one was really keeping score...well, Jaxon was.  And he says his team was undefeated this season.  Sadly, the season is over.  He had a great time!  And, of course, he did a great job!

Here are a few more pictures from the season...

This is the only picture where his tongue is not out.  Looks to me like he is doing some serious concentration...

This is after his last game on Saturday -- he and his friend, Brandt, telling me they are No. 1!

And here is the trophy he got.  He is very proud of it!

Way to go No. 12!  We think you had a great season and we are proud of you!


  1. Congratulations to my favorite Bomber!

  2. You are an awesome baseball player Jaxon!

  3. Yeah, Bombers!! And I know just which one was the best!! Love you Jaxon!!
