Sunday, May 15, 2011

Spring Recital and Guild

Jaden had his spring piano recital Saturday night.  He played two memorized pieces and then he played a duet with his teacher.  He did an excellent job!

About two weeks ago, he participated in piano guild.  We signed up for this last fall and he chose to memorize four pieces.  He had to play them for a judge.  It was only him and the judge in the room when he played.  At the recital, he received his certificate for guild.  He did a great job!  He got all commendations, a superior rating, and a very nice and encouraging note from the judge that said she could tell he was a good student and that he did a great job.  Yes, I'm bragging.  He deserves it!

He also received an award from his piano teacher, Mrs. Tune.  He received the best progression award for the elementary age kids.  Yep...bragging again.  We are very proud of you, Jaden!


  1. Way to go Jaden!!! I have been in Guild for many years and remember the memorizing, the scales and the JUDGES!!

  2. Jaden,
    You were awesome at your piano recital. Great job of memorizing your pieces. Congratulations on your honors.

  3. Great job, Jaden!! Can't wait to hear you play when we come see you! So very talented!
